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Guild Wars links

ArenaNet waves the banstick.
“We may be banning more in the coming days, but we will most likely choose to not ban more than we will choose to ban. The decision is ours and will be based on a lot of factors, principal being whether it’s reasonable to assume that the player knew he/she was getting ill-gotten goods.” Summary: players duplicate vast quantities of a valuable item using the reconnect feature and flood the market. (Related: 1, 2, 3.)

MMOs don’t need fees for server costs.
“… the fact is servers don’t really cost all that much to maintain when it comes down to it. You don’t need a monthly fee to maintain servers.”

Gamespy interviews Jeff Grubb. [via]
“‘With GW:EN … we’re experimenting with the way we tell a story. How much of story weight should regular quests carry versus the big missions?'”

Posted in Guild Wars, Web.