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Kaiyodo Assemble Borg.
Amazingly, these look more interchangeable than Microman. If Kaiyodo can avoid any niggling QC issues, these will sell really well. More: 1, 2, 3, 4. (Related.)

PDF format previews of comics based on a classic Hindu text. The comic is going to be adapted as an MMO. I have two words for you: religious grind.

Crime of the year.

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2 Responses

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  1. microbry says

    My wallet is crying. I’m still hoping these ‘borgs will wind up in the 10 cm scale rather than regular Revoltech scale, but I’m sold either way.

    I picked up a Eukrante the other day, by the way. Most cool. Also spent too much on a Revoltech Saber, but ah well.

  2. Gobi says

    I’m curious about the price tag myself. Unlike Revoltechs, there’s no need to pay a licensing fee so AssembleBorg figures should be cheaper. I’m guessing 1500 yen or so unless Kaiyodo decide to pack the figures with a huge amount of accessories.