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Elsewhere on the web

Topobo. [via]
“… people can quickly assemble dynamic biomorphic forms like animals and skeletons with Topobo, animate those forms by pushing, pulling, and twisting them, and observe the system repeatedly play back those motions.” Be sure to watch the videos to truly appreciate how all that technology enables one to make strange thingies dynamic biomorphic forms that move like a cheap battery-operated toy from the 60s.

Kotaku on Guild Wars campaign 3.
“Having been to both of those countries, we assume this means there will be a lot of NPCs hiking up their habibs to defecate in the gutter, only to come sprinting at your character to hit them up for spare change every time you zone.” Say goodbye to my bookmark list and RSS reader, Kotaku.

Thai ISP caches P2P traffic. [via]
“… we reduced P2P bandwidth by more than 60%, resulting in over 40% cost saving for the company’s entire bandwidth expense.”

A serious problem that had me laughing.
As the Germans would say … schahahahaha.

Posted in Web.