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Value for money

Guild Wars: Eye of the North: Vloxen Excavations
I completed the Vloxen Excavations dungeon in Guild Wars: Eye of the North earlier. This was deeper and more challenging than the previous GW:EN dungeons I tried. Mob patrols were better balanced and were sometimes in close proximity to each other resulting in situations where you might face two mobs with a pair of tag-teaming healers.

I had to abandon my first attempt on Tuesday after my healers had accumulated too high a death penalty to take on the dungeon boss. My main mistake was being a little too whimsical when composing my henchmen/Hero party.

Yesterday’s attempt proved more successful. The final boss gave me some trouble as he had some tricks up his sleeves which I had not known about but despite several party wipes, I managed to beat him by grinding him down.

The most notable thing about the dungeon was the hidden treasures. These are concealed items that are only revealed when you use the Dwarven spell, Light of Deldrimor.

There’s a slight problem with the hidden treasure.

My idea of “Hidden Treasure”: bounty beyond the wildest imagination, golden-hued runes scarcely seen by mortal eyes or a mighty weapon that could slay the mightiest of foes with one effortless blow.

ArenaNet’s idea of “Hidden Treasure”: 127 gold.

That’s only slightly more than the merchant value of six Stone Summit Emblems. That’s treasure? If that’s treasure, an ogre-slaying knife is a priceless heirloom worthy of being an endgame green.

Posted in Guild Wars.

4 Responses

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  1. Tan Lee Seng says

    Not to mention that you have to share the “Hidden Treasure” with 7 other individuals. (127 / 8 = 15.875 netting you about 16g from the treasure… :P )

  2. Gobi says

    Are you sure about that? The official wiki seems to think hidden treasure is not shared and I could’ve sworn I got the full amount.

  3. Tan Lee Seng says

    My apology for noobinest. Well, it’s the journey to find the hidden treasure that counts right…LOL.

  4. Gobi says

    Everyone makes mistakes. I make one every single time I play the game.

    I don’t know what it is about my psyche that compels me to cast Backfire on Rangers.