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Categorising the WordPress blogroll

I haven’t got many links on this site’s blogroll as I don’t really make use of it myself. I’d rather just bookmark sites with my browser and surf that way.

However, I’m currently setting up a second blog which is to feature an extensive blogroll and I was unhappy by the way WordPress organised the links by default.

The code that governed how my blogroll was organised was this:
WordPress blogroll code

That code resulted in my blogroll looking like this:
WordPress blogroll get_links
I didn’t want my blogroll looking like that.

For one thing, I have my links categorised so I would like to see the categories on the blogroll and have the links listed under the associated categories.

I also thought it wasn’t necessary to display the description like that since the reader would see the link description as a tooltip when the cursor is hovered over the link.

After reading up a bit, I finally got what I wanted by replacing the above code with this:

< ?php wp_list_bookmarks('show_description=0'); ?>

This resulted in the blogroll looking like this:
WordPress blogroll categorised
That’s much better.

Posted in Software, WordPress.