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Elsewhere on the web

Microman fan kits.
Microbry’s also got an idea for a Robotman Metroplex.

Popy’s Technorobo Compoboy.
More: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Toys on the battlefield.
The US Department of Defense turned a hundred dollar remote control toy into a USD5,000 bomb disposal unit.

Posted in Web.

2 Responses

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  1. microbry says

    Ah, but the second link isn’t Microman or a fan kit–those are Astro Midget kits created officially by Enari, designer of the Beta Midget series himself, doing what he can to continue the line out of his own pocket for the few hardcore fans still interested in supporting his vision. :) Okay, sure, the whole Midget concept pretty much amounts to a Microman fanboy’s dream writ large in Bandai-manufactured plastic with a new pseudo-celtic-inspired backstory, but I just wanted to split hairs…

  2. Gobi says

    I’m glad you pointed that out.

    Excuse me while I ritually disembowel myself for bringing shame to honourable ancestors.