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Busou Shinki Knight Xiphos

A photo of Busou Shinki Knight Xiphos in full armour. I have always loved the knight-in-armour look so this impresses me.

(It must be said, however, the helmet does evoke an armoured dunce cap.)

The only pieces retained from the other mode are the boots and groin armour. Attaching the armour pieces isn’t as simple as snapping the pieces onto the figure. You have to first dismember the entire figure by removing limbs and the head.

I noted earlier the figure’s arms were prone to falling off once the pauldrons were attached. This puzzled me considering the amount of thought that went into the rest of the design. Upon checking the instruction sheet, I realised I had neglected to remove a tiny plastic washer from each bicep joint and once I did that the arms stayed in place.

One final note: contrary to my previous observation, at least one toyco has brought together action figures and videogames before Konami did it with Busou Shinki. Takara did it with Web Diver in 2001 and there are probably other examples as well.

Posted in Busou Shinki, Pix, Toys.