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Night’s end

Guild Wars Nightfall: The End

I finished Nightfall with my Mesmer early this morning after an epic 6 hour session.

To summarise: best Guild Wars campaign.

Best killer feature. Best writing. Best NPCs.

I’ll expound later.

Posted in Games, Guild Wars.

2 Responses

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  1. Tan Lee Seng says

    Congrats. I however haven’t much time to play (still stuck at noob island) but somehow this game seems short if someone can finished it in a few weeks. I’m just slightly dissapointed that the Assassin and Ritualist didn’t get the same treatment as the core profession (core has 5 new armors while Factions ones get only 2). The best part of the game for me is that the characters are not ventriloquist anymore (moving lips)…lol.

    (BTW…..May I ask if there is an endgame prize like in Factions ?)

  2. Gobi says

    From what I can tell, there’s enough content in the game to last you two months if you play for about an hour or two daily.

    My goal was to bulldoze my way to the end of the storyline on my first run through so I only did quests that took me to the next mission. It also helped that I used my Mesmer, a veteran of Cantha and Tyria, since Mesmers can be devastating in the PvE game.

    I’m looking forward to replaying the game at a slower pace with my just-created Paragon but I’m going to take another one of my breaks from Guild Wars now.

    I was under the distinct impression ArenaNet wasn’t going to include skills and items for Assassins and Ritualists in Nightfall so the fact the Factions-only professions are still being catered to is a wonderful bonus.

    After the final battle, you’ll be rewarded with an item which can be redeemed for a single endgame green item. Just like in Factions.

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