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Elsewhere on the web

Bus Otoko: Napoleon Dynamite in Japan.
Pedro offers you his … kita-a-a-a!

Product placement on shows.
“… writers were forced to incorporate a line about a new Wal-Mart perfume into the dialogue as a character, Greenlee, sat at the bedside of her husband who was suffering from a fatal gunshot wound.”

Mojo, as defined by a judge. [via]
“An understanding of this litigation requires first that we define ‘MOJO’. MOJO is a collective noun used to describe one or more talismanic objects believed to have power intrinsic to their nature, and believed able to impart power, or ward off evil or misfortune by being worn close to the body of, or possessed by, the person to whom the MOJO appertains.” I can almost hear “Soul Bossa Nova” playing in the background.

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