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Back-ups. You know you should do them but you never do. Or perhaps you once did but since nothing untoward happened for months or years, you became complacent.

And, of course, that’s when A Serious Problem rears its head and bites you in the ass.

Well, A Serious Problem reared its head today when I attempted to update the Tripod mirror of my blog with Blog. I had trouble publishing to my site because BitTornado was sucking up my bandwidth so I decided to try again later and aborted the Blog publishing attempt by hitting the Close icon on the Blog window.

It turns out this was a vewwy, vewwy bad idea.

Thanks to a rare bug, Blog deleted all my blog data. It has no record whatsoever of my 1600-plus entries or the templates I use to create the site.

Fortunately, I had back-ups up to October.

Unfortunately, it’s October 2003.

That’s over 900 entries ago.

So now you know why I have A Serious Problem-sized chunk of my ass missing.

The problem isn’t as bad as it might seem. For one thing, the site itself is fine. The only problem is Blog itself has no record of the site. It would be simple enough to fix this if Blog had a way of importing HTML files on the site into its record database but alas and alack, it doesn’t.

I have no intention whatsoever of manually copying, pasting and reediting 1600-plus entries in Blog but I think there might be an inelegant workaround. I’m not sure if I can actually pull it off but regardless, there might not be any updates on the Tripod site for awhile.

Posted in Blogging.