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The earth moves for me

I experienced an earth tremor for the first time in my life earlier. Minor shakes aren’t uncommon in northern Malaysian states but this was a first for my area.

I thought I was imagining things when I started swaying and almost attributed it to a bout of dizziness but upon getting up from a chair, I was taken aback to see the pillow on the chair shaking. My family members confirmed they felt it too.

We got out of the house and started comparing notes with our neighbours. The whole neighbourhood was out and excitedly chattering. Nobody here had felt anything during the Indian Ocean quake so folks concluded this was either closer or bigger. A local blog aggregator is filling up with reports from local bloggers and apparently, some precautionary evacuations have taken place.

It appears there’s been a 8.2 near Western Sumatera. Oh, those poor, poor people over there. I hope they’re all right.

Posted in General.