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Elsewhere on the web

“Afro hair Bine Parts not included.”
‘Tis a pity for the world needs more robots with Afros.

Barbie’s knees helps amputees.
“… the doll’s knee joint is ideal for use as an artificial knuckle.”

Custom Vector Prime paint job. [via]
A simple mod but highly effective. Take note, Takara and Hasbro.

Maoist game reviews. [via]
On Knights of the Old Republic: “The game is far easier if you ‘go capitalistic,’ which clearly points to early indoctrination conspiracy by the fascists.”

Paean to Roy Keane.
“It would be easier to hide and to coast downhill into retirement, but Keane takes an almost religious reassurance from doing things the hard way.”

Torrent for Kamen Rider Hibiki episode 2.

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