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Dragon Knight

Kamen Rider Ryuki

A photo of Kamen Rider Ryuki and Dragreder from the Rider & Monster set.

The reason it looks a little funky is I tried to touch up the picture with Pixia. I had used a piece of black cloth for a backdrop and despite ironing it, there was a big fat distracting crease behind the figures. Unfortunately, my attempts at removing the crease in post-processing were less than successful. I finally had an “Ah, screw this” moment of exasperation which is why the photo is in black and white and has been run though the Bump filter.

On the bright side, the crease isn’t there anymore.

On the downside, I somehow managed to make a photo taken with a RM1388 Nikon digital camera look like it was taken with a RM20 toy camera.

Posted in Pix, Toys.