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Elsewhere on the web

Robert Cop 3. [via]
Part man, part machine, all bootleg.

Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab. [via]
Tips for writing.

Bill Maher’s new rules. [via]
“New Rule: Time Magazine has to change its name to God Weekly. This week, Mary is on the cover again. In the last two years, Time has put out: ‘The Secrets of the Nativity,’ ‘The God Gene,’ ‘Faith, God and the Oval Office,’ ‘The Bible and the Apocalypse,’ ‘Who Was Moses?’, ‘What Jesus Saw,’ ‘Why Did Jesus Have to Die?’, ‘Jesus in 2000.’ If Jesus gets any more free press, he’s going to start thinking he’s Paris Hilton. Look, I understand we have a lot of Christians in this nation, but how about a little equal time? ‘Vishnu to Ganesh: Drop Dead.’ And ‘Is There No Pleasing Zeus?'”

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