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WordPress power-up

I updated WordPress on to version 1.5.1 earlier. The new version apparently has 170 bug-fixes and an important (if unrevealed) security fix.

Upgrading was a simple enough process but it could have been made simpler still, I think. Ideally, I would like to simply download a single patch file, upload it to my host and launch it to automagically patch everything. Right now, the process requires some FTP work, manual selection of files and folders to be deleted and uploaded before executing the upgrade.php file. It’s hardly a major undertaking but it might intimidate someone with minimal experience. I’ve upgraded WordPress twice before yet I still got the jitters during this upgrade. Did I delete the right files? Was I supposed to delete that? Should I take another shot of Lipton Yellow Label before I continue?

The site seems to be fine but I’ve tinkered around here and there so I’m anticipating some minor problems. I’d appreciate it if you could let me know of any peculiarities.

Posted in Software, WordPress.

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